The Discovery- Poemy Monday

A farewell to daily slicing, an ode to motherhood, first tries, last tries. Take your pick. 🙂


The discovery,

the wonder,

the knowing,

the unsureness,

the trepidation,

the bravery.

Getting to see it all.

The shyness,

the joy,

the heartbreak,

the love.

Getting to feel it all,

and having it come back to you.


If you chose slicing (or even if you didn’t and are still reading anyways): THANK YOU. Thank you for all of your wonderful, heartfelt, funny, poignant, clever, genius writing over this last month. I have been humbled by your comments and privileged to read your words. So thank you for a month like no other. I used to hate the dreary gray month of March and you have turned it around for me. Bring on March 2015!

16 thoughts on “The Discovery- Poemy Monday

  1. Your words definitely capture this experience. It’s a wonderful way to end the challenge. Thank you, Kim, for being so supportive. I appreciate the time you took to read my posts, and because you read mine, I read yours. I have so enjoyed your stories and your craft. I have a lot of growing to do, and your posts showed me things I can work on. You made me smile many times during this month and please know that your support contributed to my successful completion of a challenge I wasn’t sure I could do. I look forward to seeing you on Tuesdays!

  2. Just the final Poemy slice not a final one in general! Keep then coming Kim! You have a talent for them. This is a really honest summary of this month, sweet and shortly out out there. Thank you for that. March no longer has to be the month I feel bad that I don’t care about brackets. It’s our own challenge month! 🙂

  3. Yes! You’ve captured it all here! Each day was different. Some days ranging from joy and discovery to trepidation and heart break. Congratulations, fellow slicer!

  4. Love this poem, Linda! It can fit for so many scenarios (like you said).
    Thank you for joining us again this year. You’re such an integral part of our writing community. Thanks for all you do!

    • That’s okay- there are a gazillion slicers. Thank you so much! I’m so glad a certain someone got us all to do this. This community cannot be beat!

  5. Oh Kim…this was perfect! I am so happy and accomplished today, and also a bit sad that it is all over…31 days ago seems like forever ago. Thank you for letting me get to know you better through writing! See you Tuesdays?!?!?!

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