Miss Gabby’s Wishes Elude Us

I can feel her icy blue eyes before I can see them staring me down.  No matter where I find myself, I can sense my new furry shadow.

It wasn’t always this way. Our bond was one of overnight snuggles and morning headbutts. She preferred it that way. Things have changed since we said good bye to her fuzzy partner. Mind you, their bond was one of mostly hissing and swiping on icy blue’s part.

At first she just lived up to her name and was a very gabby feline. Then she started showing up underfoot no matter the time of day. Gone was her aloof, I am better than you minions attitude.

I’m torn between thinking she is simply celebrating her long awaited command over our domain or is missing another presence that she can hiss and swipe at. She knows we humans don’t allow that type of miscreant around these parts.

What are you trying to tell us Miss Gabby?

7 thoughts on “Miss Gabby’s Wishes Elude Us

  1. Miss Gabby and my Sammy are both trying to reach out to the human world. Perhaps we could create a cat ‘WhatsApp’. I enjoyed reading your post, the description of ‘icy blue eyes’ is very powerful.

  2. I love this! Being a cat mom myself, I totally get the mystery of their motives- what the heck are they trying to tell us? Miss Gabby is a beautiful kitty, and I’m sure it’s a combination of both things you mentioned. Either way, enjoy the furry shadow. Kitties are the best. 🙂

  3. She is beautiful. It is funny how our babies change as they lose their feline friends. The changes are significant, and my daughter and I discuss this all the time. Their mysterious ways are one of the things we cat mommy’s love the most, and try as we may, they will never let us figure them out. Thank you for sharing a story about your beautiful Miss Gabby.

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