The Hard Hat End

I saw the hard hat hovering above the roof of the Honda Civic in front of me.

A Facebook post had meandered its way to my newsfeed a month or so ago detailing the beginning of the end.

A maybe 300 foot stretch of street. Closed for a few months. No big deal. Right?


Big. Gargantuan. Ginormous. HUGE deal.

That 300 foot stretch of street is part of my glorious 10 minute commute to work.

That 300 foot stretch of street being closed means an additional 10-15 minutes on my commute because of big, great, not yet green, forest preserves on one side and the train station, packed together businesses on the other side.

No longer 10 minutes.

No longer glorious.

I’m sure he may have been puzzled by the scowl I threw his in his direction as I drove past.


3 thoughts on “The Hard Hat End

  1. Think of it as 10-15 extra minutes to reflect on your day, sing a silly song (or two or three) or call a friend or family member. Ok, so there’s my pep talk, but really that stinks!

  2. Oh Kim, this is such a creative way to share your dismay about the construction that is disrupting your days. The idea of you throwing a scowl in anyone’s direction makes me smile. You are not a “scowler” by nature. LOL

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