Enter Pug?!?!



So reads the tale of the Koehler pets.

Persian and Siamese.
5 years of love.
Then 8 years of thinly and not so veiled hate.
(refer to the great shave debacle of 2010)

Exit Persian.
Enter hamster.
Exit hamster.
Enter guinea pig.
Exit broken guinea pig.
Enter NEW Persian.

So should end the tale for a good long while. At least until Exit Siamese right? We should have a good long 3-5 years before then. By then Siamese will be around 19 and at 14 she’s already a frail and cranky old lady.

Someone should tell my roomies then. The husband has always wanted one. The child in the last few years has jumped whole heartedly on that bandwagon.

The snorts. The stubborness. The snorts. The difficult to train traits. The laziness (ok, that I like). The having to clean the folds lest they get smelly and infected. Did I mention the snorts?

They both tote the ugly it’s so cuteness, the curly tail, the pint sizeness, the hilariousness of the expressions, and of course the snorts.

My kryptonite is sounds such as snorts and grunts and snores. I also have no current desire to smother another living thing with a pillow. I know my own limitations, so no pug has graced our doors.

So those pug stuffed animals (even the cute barking one) and that pug poster on the door and those pug shirts and pug stickers and pug tape dispenser and pug door stopper and pug blankets and pug love posts on social media are not going to break me.

Nope, not gonna happen.

Me and the Siamese are hiding from the New Persian and enjoying some peace and quiet. Not a snort in earshot, thank you very much.

4 thoughts on “Enter Pug?!?!

  1. Ha ha I love this!! I enjoy the way you introduce the Koehler pets before delightfully describing the flaws and attributes of your “soon to be” addition. Despite your protests and proclamation,”Nope, not gonna happen.”, I do believe your husband and child may win this one. Enter Pug! In addition, I predict in time you’ll learn to find the snorting tolerable, if not endearing. Keep us posted. I’ll be looking for pug pictures on social media. hahahahaha

  2. Yes, there is a lot of snorting and folds to clean, but all so worth it! I’m on your husband and kids side, sorry! My husband always wanted a pug so we got Ginger in 2008 and I fell in love instantly! We just got our second in July. She will be a year in May.

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