Poemy Monday, the Second

Sleep Desert

I’m living in a sleep desert,
a restful rest desert.
A please let me sleep desert,
a no thank you desert.

The zzzzz’s elude my slumber,
just close your eyes and go to sleep, they say.

Night after night,
I’m chasing them down.

They’re just out of grasp,
stolen away by the worries.

They’re slipping through my fingers,
drowned out by the snores.

They’re riding away
on the backs of the sheep
I cannot seem to count.

Just go to sleep, they yell.
I would if I could, I respond.

I’m living in a sleep desert,
a restful rest desert.
A please let me sleep desert,
a yeah right desert.

6 thoughts on “Poemy Monday, the Second

  1. This is definitely how I’m feeling this morning, too! Hopefully you “catch up” soon- although I feel like I’m never truly caught up 🙂

  2. Your poems are pretty much my favorite part of my Mondays! I’m particularly fond of this one as I can relate completely, especially on a Monday! “Just go to sleep, they yell. I would if I could, I respond” I hear you my friend, loud and clear! ❤

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