Black Hole Prime

I’m in a Facebook Amazon group. I resisted Amazon with a vengeance back in the day. Why on earth would I need to order from a website?! How could I betray my beloved Target?

I’ll tell you how. Prime. 1-2 day shipping. #booklove. Yeah, that’s right. Book. Love. I can think a book and then hold a book and then read a book without leaving my house. The holding is most important. It’s like an introvert recluse nirvana.

So that’s how it started. I was the egocentric Oprah of books. I get a book, I get a book, you get a book, I get a book, I get a book. Every book loving smile box meme had my face plastered on it.  And then somehow one day I found the app and stop the presses. My nirvana reached a spiritual level. Then a Prime Day happened and the deal was sealed.

Then a nefarious friend, only wishing my demise, invited me to join a Facebook Amazon Deals page. Where someone spends her days and nights and in between finding deals.

Suddenly I have nothing I need and I need everything she posts. It’s a black hole, it really is. Just with better deals.

One thought on “Black Hole Prime

  1. I also have this problem… the number of books waiting to be read on my Kindle is ridiculous, but one of my favorite hobbies (both reading and shopping for more books, $.99? Yes, please!)

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