
I have always been intrigued by doors, even pictures of doors. The walls in my house are graced with photographs of doors. Doors on canals prettily adorned with flowers. Intriguing with their faded and often crumbling façade.

Doors take you places. They open to a world of opportunity, of struggle, of joy, strife, or contentment. They light the imagination with wonder.

It’s not what I have discovered behind those doors that calls me.  It’s the feeling that sticks- the unknown, the wondering. It’s the ones that I don’t open that sit in my mind’s eye.  I don’t need to open them. The wonder somehow satisfies me. I can simmer in it and imagine.

Please, don’t turn the knob.

8 thoughts on “Doors

  1. I am intrigued by doors too. I’m always wondering what’s on the other side, especially when I’m in foreign countries. Their doors are the most interesting. They have history.

  2. Your writing is absolutely beautiful! Full of imagery, wonderment, and intrigue. If I wrote about a door….it would sound like I wrote about a door! I just love coming here and reading your words!

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