It Finds Me

It always manages to find me. Despite my very best efforts to keep it at bay.

I’m lying in bed,  as I slowly acclimate to this thing called morning. I typically sleep facing the closet so that I don’t partake in the luxury of inhaling my dear spouse’s exhale as he faces me. So I roll over to take a peek at him and bang! It manages to squeeze itself through that one teeny tiny gap in the shades and pierce me right in the eye.

I’m cuddled on the couch, enjoying the warmth of the blanket, catching up on some screen time. I keep the blinds closed so that I don’t feel like a fish in the fishbowl of my living room as the neighborhood kids are prone to playing in our yard. So I settle in and bang! It manages to reflect off the silver lid of my cranberry candle and pierce me right in the eye. At this point, I am beginning to develop a bit of a headache.

I’m headed to the store, getting into my car port protected SUV, and I turn up the tunes because we love this Fall Out Boy rhythm. I back out of the driveway as we sing at the top of our lungs. We hit the bump, bump of the curb and as I turn the wheel, bang! It manages to shine in right between the visor and the rearview mirror and pierce me right in the eye. Now, my bit of a headache is beginning to roll into a full-blown throb radiating from that eye.

It always manages to find me. Despite my very best efforts to keep it at bay.



One thought on “It Finds Me

  1. It bugs me when the sun comes through the place between the visor and the rearview mirror. I used to have a car that had a flap to keep the sun out of that spot. Not anymore. Now I slog through the torture of the sun’s rays in my eyes just like everyone else.

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