The Whole Day

“You’ve got the whole day in front of you now.”

This is a common sentiment spewed out by my dear husband whenever a work holiday rolls around for me. These golden nuggets of my re-energizing time typically get commandeered by said husband to tend to something or other, typically for this monstrosity of a money trap we call our home.

But you know, after this, I’ve got the whole day in front of me.

Today that happened to be an appointment with the heating and cooling guy. Seems a complaint filed with the Better Business Bureau propelled him to our fine abode early this morning, half an hour ahead of schedule. So naturally I was racing down the driveway in my pajamas to catch the garbage truck before it passed us by, as the previously mentioned husband did not wheel it down on his way out earlier.

Just as naturally, I almost ran into the idling silver pickup as I had laser vision on that sanitation savior further down the way.  I was in no mood for the stinky foreshadowing of warmer days ahead. The food scraps in that can were already emitting a special kind of stank. I trudged back up the driveway to greet the overly polite gentleman who was here to smooth the ruffled feathers of the Koehler clean air debacle of 2012-2015.  Although this day had barely started, this angel in the midst was professional and I was mentally preparing my 5 star review.

Cause you know, I’ve got the whole day in front of me now.

Until I notice the furry pain in my arse curiously absent from her like clockwork dent in the couch. Her partner in crime is emitting a foreboding meow as I trudge down to the basement. I know what to expect

An hour of my head stuck in the crawl space opening, that 5 star review quickly losing its shine, as I replay my very clear directions of making sure that the door is C-L-O-S-E-D

An hour of shining the flashlight on a pair of defiant, not moving, blue eyes

An hour of watching because she once got this close to climbing into the pit in the basement that we grossly overpay other people to handle

An hour before she loses the defiance gains the courage to walk slowly to the light so I can grab her and bring her to safety

But at least I have the whole day ahead of me now.



4 thoughts on “The Whole Day

  1. Isn’t it amazing how quickly these “days off” go?!?! Your slice humorously depicts this very thing we call – having the WHOLE day ahead of us. Appointments are the biggest time-eaters of those days off. I was thinking about slicing on the same topic!

  2. The whole day dwindles to a mere few hours so quickly. Love the description of the “furry pain in my arse curiously absent from her like clockwork dent in the couch,” that made me laugh and reread just to laugh again.

  3. This was so funny to me, especially since I can identify totally with every single word of it…..from nearly chasing down a garbage truck to the “furry pain in my arse curiously absent from her like clockwork dent in the couch.” Been there, done that….get it….all of it, and love knowing that these things happen to others too. Hope the rest of your whole day went smoothly:-) Thanks for this humorous slice.

  4. Love this post, Kim. Isn’t it true that a day that you long for in terms of leisure slips away and not around leisure. I loved your furry story. So true. Especially the lines lose her defiance/gained her courage. It is all in perspective!

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