A Futile Rescue Mission

Kids’ interests come and go. We all know this. Maddie at one point last year got a Pikachu at Build a Bear. He was a cute bright yellow beacon upon entering the store. She has loved him off and on for the last year. Just to be clear, she did not care about the greater world of Pokemon.

Fast forward and she’s been coming home with the newest oldest thing, Pokemon cards. It’s all the rage and close to being banned from school grounds as she tells it. Of course her steel trapped mind recalls that once upon a time SHE had a Pokemon card.

Remember mom, I got it when I got my Pikachu. It came with him! It has to be here somewhere!

Oh, right. Well. This only child house that is filled like a five child house might just be hiding this card somewhere in the chaos. Commence Pikachu card rescue mission!

This is great timing as we have about 10 big, strapping, bbq eating, baseball guy picking men convening on our casa tomorrow. Organizing and clearing is not really her forte but she’ll do anything to find this card.

I suppose at some point I should tell her that I threw that card away months and months and months ago because she:

a. Did not care a lick about Pokemon
b. Had nine million random pieces of crap treasures lying around the house and something had to give

Somehow as I watch her bulldoze through straightening up, I don’t think she will see it my way.


6 thoughts on “A Futile Rescue Mission

  1. I feel your treasure pains!!!! I feel like every corner of our home is covered in treasures…getting ready to do a major purge this summer!!!!!

  2. Hahahaha! I feel your pain! My son also is an only child in a five child worth of toys and special “treasures” everywhere. Some days I have hallucinations about him going away to spend a week with his grandparents so I can sneak all of them out of the house. He is just not gone at school long enough to make much of a dent! Your solution to the problem was brilliant- a cleaner house and no tears and whining that the precious card that she had not thought about in months was gone forever!

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