Poemy Monday, the First

Word Desert

I’m living in a word desert,
an idea desert.
A can I do this desert,
a do I want to do this desert.

The cursor is staring at me blinking loudly,
turn the faucet and start typing it says.

We’ve barely begun
and already I’m tapped out?

The moments are a mirage,
my life has been explained.

Scenarios come and go,
seemingly not fit to be told.

I can’t do this,
I can do this?

I have no words,
my soul is full of words?

I’m living in a word desert,
an idea desert.
A can I do this desert,
a do I want to do this desert.

9 thoughts on “Poemy Monday, the First

  1. You can and you are. A poem all about – not just being tapped out – but creating imagery of a word desert. I see it. It’s hot and it’s dry, but there is a mirage and words are there. LOVE the Poemy Monday’s!!!!!

  2. I love the phrase ‘word desert’. It’s the perfect way to describe the struggle to find something to Slice about. And, you are not alone, I had a rough time today as well. But you took nothing and turned it into something wonderful!

  3. The gap between all of the powerful ideas you feel and the words that sort them out for others feels daunting. It’s almost a surprise when you sit down to share those ideas that there is a chasm over which you need to build a bridge. Thanks for sharing!

  4. You can do this, and this poem tells the story. Even when you feel you can’t go on, you do, and do it well! That’s just the person/the writer you are! ❤ We're all in this together!

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