So far away- A Poemy Monday

Last year I fancied myself a poet of sorts and Poemy Mondays were born. I’ve decided to challenge myself within a challenge and give it a go again this year. So here is the first go round:

You’ve gone ahead
to be with the stars
You don’t want us to fuss

But the stars are so far away

My heart holds your laughter
your touch, your voice
How long will it last?

The stars are so far away

Couldn’t you visit for just one day?
to laugh, to touch, to speak
and make that imprint stronger?

The stars are so far away

Not as loud, not as close
I feel you fading

The stars are so far away

You are so far away

19 thoughts on “So far away- A Poemy Monday

  1. Kim, anyone with a loss will completely connect with your wonderful poem…..I love your repeated line “But the stars are so far away.” This is a keeper.

  2. Gorgeous poem. I’d love to share it with others who are suffering a loss. My favorite word, ‘Imprint’. Says so much.

  3. Beautiful, Kim. The repetition of the lines”The stars are far away…” are profoundly poetic and meaningful. And I have missed, “Poemy Mondays.” I kind of love this so much I feel like I want to start Poemy Mondays in my classroom.. Hm?

  4. Losing someone close to you can be difficult, and not having the words to express your feelings about it makes it even more so. Your poem gave me those words. Thank you for sharing this, Kim.

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