The Laundry Scores


Free money!!

Ever dump out the unfolded clean clothes just to get your hands on the basket for the dirty on their way to the washer clothes? Guilty. Folding clothes is my kryptonite. Thank the heavens for the moms who like to fold. I’ve got one and because she is amazing, our laundry gets folded.

Kim- 1
Laundry- 0

Until we have off Mondays, and work from home Mondays, and forget to do the laundry Sundays. Then there’s no mom to fold the clothes. I mean, watch the child.

I hate the folding, but I don’t mind the washing and putting in the dryer stint. What about the free money, I know you’re thinking. Have no fear, we’ve arrived at that juncture in the slice.

“Wahoo! I scored $5.88 this week! Take that laundry!” I boasted.

$5.88 to spend to my heart’s content.  Four damp and somehow smooth cool one dollar bills. Six newly clean and polished quarters. Three clean and polished dimes. One lonely clean nickel. And 3 borderline dirty pennies. Why aren’t the pennies ever all gussied up like the rest of my newly scored loot?

Kim -2
Laundry – 0

“Mmmmmm, isn’t that yours and Maddie’s clothes? She doesn’t have pockets ever, sooo….” mentions that other person who lives with us.

You just, sssshhhhhh, other person who lives with us.




7 thoughts on “The Laundry Scores

  1. Your slice gave me a good laugh. I adore the way you wrote it.

    BTW: Congrats on your newfound money! That’s always a great feeling.

    Oh my! I don’t mind doing the laundry. I can live with folding it. But ironing it… no way! My mom is horrified by the amount of wrinkles I allow my kids out of the house in, but I detest ironing as much as you hate folding.

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